Top JIRA Admin Mistakes

DescriptionI know I’m not the only JIRA Admin to inherit a messy configuration. The goal of the "Top JIRA Administration Mistakes" presentation is to keep others out of what I call the “JIRA swamp.” Or, if you’re already in it, help dig you out. This session is different – it’s about strategy. It’s recommendations from years of cleaning up horrible JIRA configurations! It’s about what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and why. Hear the mistakes I made as a JIRA administrator and real examples of problems to avoid. Would you rather your application be an organized, tidy, and trimmed garden or a foggy, contaminated, overgrown swamp? Rachel Wright is an entrepreneur and an Atlassian Certified JIRA Administrator. Rachel also uses Atlassian tools in her personal life for accomplishing goals and tracking tasks. Her first book, the “JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook“, was written in Confluence and progress was tracked in JIRA!

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You can find the recordings on Rachel's website.